Tell Us About Your Project Your Name(required) Email(required) Website Phone(required) Who is your ideal client?(required) Who would you say are your top 3 competitors?(required) Tell us a little bit about your business, what are your biggest priorities this year for your business?(Please be as detailed as possible) (required) What are the biggest challenges/obstacles you’re facing right now in your business?(Please be as detailed as possible) (required) If a new client does business with you, is it a one-time transaction or recurring? (ie: Are there additional products or services you offer over a 12-month period? The more we know, the more we can help you to generate more sales and value for your business.)(required) On average what is your monthly revenue for your business? Have you ever invested in video before? Why or Why not?(required) <strong>What Are You Most Interested In Using Video For? (Select All That Apply)</strong> <strong>Are you doing any other forms of marketing? Check all that apply</strong> Share an example of what you envisioned, a similar style or vibe you’d like to create for your video(s) Is there anyone else that is involved with making financial decisions for the business? IE: a spouse, business partner, etc.(required) What is your biggest concern working with us to create videos for your business?(required) Submit